Thursday, November 3, 2011

LAB #6 - JACKSON SPRINGS/The Great Rock Expedition

Jackson Springs Park is located in Macon, Georgia. It is a beautiful city park. Our lab was to learn about and discuss the different types of rocks/minerals that are present in this area, and of course, in the park. First, we surveyed the area and talked about the plant life there, especially near the creek. We also identified some trees (sycamore, Mulberry, dogwood and hickory trees. We also took a look at how the plant life changed as it got closer and closer to the creek. First grass, then moving closer to the water - moss, and algae in the water. We even saw a cute little baby turtle :)

We went over to the creek and played with rocks! Here are a few pics I took of the minerals and rocks we saw.
FELDSPAR: a mineral

QUARTZ - unbroken; and broken examples

SANDSTONE Sedimentary Rock. Sedimentary rocks are formed when dirt, gravel, sand are pushed down together, and the pressure over time causes them to fuse together to become Sedimentary rock

We also found GRANITE Rock - Granite is a rock that is formed by three minerals: Quartz, Feldspar, and Hornblende:

We found GNEISS - which is a Metamorphic rock: A rock that is formed when rocks, minerals or both is exposed to pressure and heat, which causes the chemical structure of the rock to change

I really enjoyed this lab, and learned more about rocks!. I have always liked collecting rocks when I go hiking, or just if I see a really cool looking rock. Now, when I collect, I will try my best to identify it!!! :)

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