Friday, October 28, 2011


It's been a while since I blogged about my little "baby sunflower" project. I have to admit that I am not much of a "green thumb" :)...My first attempt - my seeds never grew. Although, perhaps thinking back, I believe I may have drowned them before they even had a fighting chance! The second time's a charm - at least so far. They are doing well. I am attaching the first pic taken at about 10 days!...and then 2 additional pictures I just took today...the plant is about a month old now :) YAY

This was taken at about 10 days old...when I started seeing them grow. I was SOOO happy! :)

I took this this morning! They are doing so well!!! :)

My sunflower plant is the one all the way to the right. The others are Rosemary :)

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