The link takes you to cool map that shows the amount of improved agricultural land in the U.S. in 1860. Each dot represents 25,000 acres!! I like looking at historic maps, so this was cool to find :)
II. Proportional Symbol Map
The map below shows how much coal is consumed in the U.S. by State. The proportions are illustrated by different size Yellow circles. It's preety astounding to think that one large circle equals $100,000,000 in coal consumption!! wow!The legend is at the bottom and show the amount of use in U.S.Dollars. I'm from Cleveland, Ohio, and I can't even SEE my state! Wow, they use alot of coal!
III. Chloropleth Map
The map below shows the types of wolf pack species in certain territories throughout Yellowstone National Park in Montana. Each color represents a different species, the map shows us where these species are living in the park. My family lived in Montana from 2005-2009. We saw wild wolves at Yellowstone....SCARY, but spectacular and very beautiful!
IV. Isorythmic Map
This was a cool map, so I had to use it! It is a isarythmic (or contour map) showing variations in altitudes on the Big Island of Hawaii. We lived in Hawaii from 1990-1996. We lived on the island of Oahu (where the capital is - Honolulu)....but we traveled to the big island a few times to see the erupting Volcano! That was awesome!!! :)
Georgia Isarithmic Map - Annual Precipitation: